Tuesday, 9 August 2011

My first blogpost

This blog is something I had in mind since some parting words that came from a very good friend of mine, Kim in Switzerland said, 'You will experience Reverse Culture Shock, believe me!'  I want to blog some of my thoughts on the whole process, going back to live in a country where I used to live, and whether I would indeed go through this process of Reverse Culture shock.........

 It was with mixed feelings I left Switzerland, my home for 8 years and getting used to all those rules I never thought I would ever get my head around.  I can remember vividly the day, 12th June 2003, feeling really sad taking off from Heathrow, and wondering what the life was like ahead of me with one 2 year old daughter and a husband.  Now, 29th July, 2011, I faced doing this the other way round, the intrepidation of living back in the UK after Switzerland...this time with another daughter in tow.....

Our wonderful neighbours, Hannelore and Markus took us to the airport for our flight out, and I feel very sure that we will see them again, we shared many great times together, they were the adopted grandparents for my 2 girls whilst we were away from direct family members as expats.  I was also concerned about all the friends I leave behind, and the business I built over 4 years making cakes for the Expat community.

GB Liners coordinated our move, and thanks to a great crew, kept my spirits up as we packed up quite a large 6.5 Zimmer (roomed) house.  My main worry was that we had a rented house waiting, which I would be moving into unseen (no stress, did this in Switzerland, husband making a snap decision from 3 different properties he was shown on the same day!) The only problem weighing on my mind was how the hell do you fit a house that has a basement, a ground floor, 1st floor and an attic into a small 4 bed house in the UK with no basement or attic and a teeny loft....??

Over the next few posts, I will pick on various aspects of my reverse culture shock as I adapt to life back in the UK, and yes, I have noticed the differences already... and chart them on this blog and of course to keep in touch with friends I now have all over the globe....

1 comment:

  1. Well done on getting your blog set up and what a great start Louise!! Looking forward to hearing more about life back in Blighty. Good luck to you all! Jxx
